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Those of you who have never dated before, why?

Oct 22, 2019 9:54 AM
Jul 2018
This is something that I would like to understand more about. Because for me I had my first crushes in Primary (Elementary school) and my first girlfriend when I was 11 years old. That first relationship lasted only a day. She broke up with me the next day in the school playground in front of everyone and it bothered me for years. Then years later when Facebook came out she added me and I asked why she did that. She couldn't even remember it. So that is how dating began for me. I dated girls at my secondary (high) school and girls from other schools. I planned to stay a virgin until marriage but ended up losing it at 16 to my first love who was the same age as me but from another school. I've dated around 20 girls from all around the world and also had a few casual hook-ups that I'm not proud of considering my Christian background.

So that is my story.

But I want to know yours. You've never dated anybody but why? You haven't been attracted to anyone? Too busy and focused on your studies or something? A bad experience? Shy? Low self esteem? Nobody around you to date?
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Oct 22, 2019 10:44 AM

Sep 2017
During my whole middleschool and highschool life, I was WAY too shy to date anyone (being gay wasn't easy when you're a 14-15 yo with a very low self esteem)
For the past few years, there was just nobody around me to date, growing in the country, in a little village, isn't a really easy situation if you want to hangout with someone

I wouldn't mind date someone now, I just need to find the right person

ugh, but that also means I have to socialize first, life is complicated
Oct 22, 2019 10:46 AM

Jul 2007
When I was single it was mostly because I didn't give a shit. Relationships aren't important.
Oct 22, 2019 10:48 AM

Aug 2018
Never dated anyone (I'm still young so I don't worry too much about it)

Now why :
FlowersInTheRain said:
Low self esteem

"I want to show that woman the true Yoshikage Kira. I want her to hear how I feel deep inside. That I want to take your slender neck into these hands and strangle you to death."

Oct 22, 2019 10:50 AM
Feb 2017
It’s a waste of time. Why date someone who isn’t to my standards? Unless you have a body and personality I want, why even try?
Oct 22, 2019 11:26 AM
Jul 2018
Because I don't like dates.
No joke... or not.

I'm not a person that got often in a relationship or fell in love. Like... 3 (2 1/2 let's say) times.
I wouldn't call it dating, since I don't like the term. Feels very strange to me, since I never seeked out for dating. I went to one and these were some of the longest 4 hours or so of my life, so I don't plan to do this shit ever again, at least, if I don't know them better.

Don't like to act all hormonely towards people I don't know for at least some months either.
I don't feel anything more than "nice and might look good, but don't care" for people I don't know very well. That's the reason why I don't have a long dating history.
Always had some crushes too, but they were not serious enough, so I didn't think of actually wanting to date them.

And ahem dating, I feel like an alien in that dating-world, everything seems to be so weird, so I refuse. Meeting people I barely or don't know, because you want to build up a relationship, doesn't make sense in my eyes and feels forced.
Oct 22, 2019 11:43 AM

Jun 2017
because humanity, humanity, and did i mention humanity
Oct 22, 2019 11:51 AM

Apr 2019
i never had many female opportunities to contact
was in an all boys middle school (grade 5-10)
that said in grade 7 i had my first and last gf (lmao)
lasted a month
had like 5-6 girls in my class in 11th/12th grade, i was on friendly terms with most except for one
due to being bullied verbally in middle school im socially fucked up and don't really want to deal with people that much, that said i don't think ive ever had a bad experience with a girl
i got rejected by my best female friend in university but she was really nice about it so thats fine
again my university classes mostly male, except for her and 7-8 other girls of which i only got to know 3 and then my theatre classes i had one girl who was totally into me consantly asking me out telling me im cute but i was a dumb idiot and at the time i didn't really care even though she was cute and had a fantastic personality, i don't know, i guess subconsciously im still fucked from being bullied and i can't get over it, therapy didn't help either
most girl i was dealing with were really nice though, but i just haven't met that many
mostly my fault, and also just me not approaching people
that said i dont really care as much about it, more than that im just depressed about my own failures and incompetence in things i like doing as well as social securities that are deeply ingrained and i can't seem to get rid off
for that reason i also run and lift at 5 AM just to avoid people at the gym or road lmao
yea im still a virgin, im 24 unlike my birthdate says which is wrong btw
not the type to just approach random people or go on dating apps i don't really care about that stuff, i'd rather have it come more naturally

right now im just looking for a temporary job until i can get an apprenticeship and job in a different field, earn some money because im almost broke from what i've saved during working while in uni wasted too much money

so im kinda neet for these past 6 months - 1 year ( fcked up my thesis and got thrown out of uni ), well except for mornings for exercise.. but yeah

i dont know, everything kinda sucks tbh and i feel like shit in general
i have huge social anxiety because of being bullied in middle school

i've just not had much opportunities to build relationships due to my environment and my social insecurities, and not just women, also friendship with guys although i went partying and drinking a lot in 11th and 12th grade and had a social group in uni but i have never really done anything hobby esque outside of school/uni, except for soccer, table tennis and karate which i've all quit

i could go on but i think you get the idea
You son of a .. turtle

Oct 22, 2019 11:59 AM

Jul 2014
I've hooked up with people before, but have never been in a relationship. I've also been on one blind date (sort-of), though that never went anywhere.

That said, I guess a lot of it has to do with my own insecurities since I've never really made an active effort to approach people for a variety of reasons; I'm not entirely sure what I want out of a relationship at this stage, I'm very withdrawn and somewhat self-conscious and have been really busy to the point where the idea of a romantic relationship seldom crosses my mind.
Take care of yourself

Oct 22, 2019 1:55 PM

Mar 2019
Because going on dates is rarely done in the Netherlands; it seems kind of dumb to me, and it's basically saying "I have no idea who or what you are as a person, but I'm attracted to you purely because of your looks, so let's go on a date.".

There was never a need for me to go on a date, due to this odd concept of actually knowing a man ere one crush on him, and already having an established social connexion therewith.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Oct 22, 2019 3:11 PM
May 2016
WHAT THE FUCK. I am 16 years old, and I very much do want to date a girl.

I have been very attracted to people. and besides, I have next to no standards. I will accept nearly anyone.

Yes, I'm shy.

It seems that there is no one around me to date, but maybe that's incorrect.

and I am very frustrated
Oct 22, 2019 3:21 PM

Sep 2019
I've never dated in my life, I'm 19 years old. Do I care? Most of the time not really, but I wouldn't mind meeting a person I would fall in love with. Probably also my fault, because I'm not the most outgoing guy ever and rarely make the first contact with someone. That's about it
Oct 22, 2019 4:06 PM
Dec 2010
I had a girl confessed to me during my primary school days. That just died on itself, slowly burning away as it was never serious and too young for that.

Then I confessed to a girl in secondary school and it didn't work out so there's that. And since then I don't jump the gun on girls anymore. I prefer to see if I really like a person by seeing how things flow for some time.

I also haven't had any luck either. And I struck down with all sort of problems for a long time. So nah, I'm pretty much out of the dating pool. I doubt anyone wants to be with me.
Oct 22, 2019 4:18 PM

May 2014
I've said this a few times haha. But i've never dated anyone before because all throughout my school life, i had a crush on one person. As a result i turned down every single guy who asked me out. I was too shy as well, still am, but not too a debilitating degree. I'd love to have a boyfriend, but i don't have the confidence to take the first step soo #foreveralone.
Oct 22, 2019 4:31 PM

Aug 2018
I have a big family and a large number of friends (including a few with benefits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), so I guess I never felt the need to be in a relationship with a girlfriend... Altough I think it would be nice to have a special someone, but everytime I think about, it looks so much work, that I forget it a minute later.

Maybe some day I'll fall in love so hard that nothing else matters, but until then, I'm cool being single.
Oct 22, 2019 6:22 PM

Jun 2019
I never dated anyone because I never felt romantic attracted to anyone. I do feel sexual attraction but never felt romantic ones.

Leading biologist Scott Pitnick said:
The bigger your 'nads, the smaller your brains
Oct 22, 2019 6:27 PM

Aug 2009
fancyjasper said:
I've said this a few times haha. But i've never dated anyone before because all throughout my school life, i had a crush on one person. As a result i turned down every single guy who asked me out. I was too shy as well, still am, but not too a debilitating degree. I'd love to have a boyfriend, but i don't have the confidence to take the first step soo #foreveralone.

So you just turned down all your potential partners, because you have oneitis for this one guy who can't catch a clue that you're interested in him... idk maybe you should try harder to let him know you're into him... like trying touching him and having risque conversations... stick around him even when you don't have to, laugh at his jokes... talk to him about how single you are and how in your own words would love to have a boyfriend. Fucking do something. Don't just spend your whole fucking life waiting on this one dude and turning down every other potential partner.

Also plz stop with this #forever alone shit. Try not having anyone even acknowledge you, getting friendzoned, rejected, ghosted, stood up, ignored and even told you're not x, y and z things enough to be with them. You literally have dudes asking you out that you're rejecting...

Anyway I've been dating since middle school and I'm fairly happy in my current relationship.
LoneWolfOct 22, 2019 6:34 PM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 22, 2019 6:58 PM

Mar 2019
123fendas said:
WHAT THE FUCK. I am 16 years old, and I very much do want to date a girl.

I have been very attracted to people. and besides, I have next to no standards. I will accept nearly anyone.

Yes, I'm shy.

It seems that there is no one around me to date, but maybe that's incorrect.

and I am very frustrated

I feel you man. Its really rough out there.

If you ever need to talk to someone about it, feel free to shoot me a PM.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 22, 2019 7:50 PM
Jul 2018
Dating is pretty much a babysitting job, walking around together, holding hands - fucking childish crap, waste of time. In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

If your partner don't have any busy hobbies/interests on their own and instead demand you to spend a lot of time with them, then this kind of "relationship" won't last very long (unless of course you are a pussy Beta-wimp and do whatever they ask you to).
Oct 22, 2019 7:54 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
Wow from an outsider's perspective this is an extremely depressing thread.
Oct 22, 2019 8:02 PM

Sep 2019
Didn't date anyone in high school because I wasn't even remotely interested in women. I even rejected a couple offers, and all I knew was that I wasn't interested for some reason.
Then, college rolls around and I get asked out by a girl in one of my classes. It lasted for about a month and we went on one date, and I eventually broke it off.
That's one date and I broke up after, so it kinda hardly counts for anything.
Now today, I understand a bit more about myself. I'm gay and nobody around me besides my parents know. That's why I haven't been on any dates (not counting the one I previously mentioned). I'm just between a rock and a hard place at the moment.
Oct 22, 2019 8:12 PM

Mar 2019
BallistikJuice said:
In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

That just means you're not doing it right.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 22, 2019 8:19 PM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
BallistikJuice said:
In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

That just means you're not doing it right.

There is only one way of doing it, but enlighten me anyway, oh you mighty sex-guru.
Oct 22, 2019 8:31 PM

Mar 2019
BallistikJuice said:
Ryuk9428 said:

That just means you're not doing it right.

There is only one way of doing it, but enlighten me anyway, oh you mighty sex-guru.

Learn to enjoy foreplay, a lot. When you watch an anime, you don't skip to the climatic final episode do you? The whole journey is supposed to be fun. If you approach sex from the sole standpoint of cumming and penetrating you are bound to be disappointed when you find that its not a whole lot better than jerking off.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 22, 2019 11:53 PM

Feb 2017
Because nobody asked me out.

It's my motto in life to never be the first to make the move.

Oct 23, 2019 12:01 AM
Jul 2018
Ryuk9428 said:
BallistikJuice said:
In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

That just means you're not doing it right.

And at this point I have to agree with Ryuk. :D
removed-userOct 23, 2019 12:34 AM
Oct 23, 2019 12:33 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
Ryuk9428 said:
BallistikJuice said:
In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

That just means you're not doing it right.

Yea, I've never liked quickies. Several minutes aren't enough even for some playful spanking which is just a warm up before the real foreplay begins.

But yes, some people don't have that much free time or are simply not interested in "improving" their sex life.
Oct 23, 2019 1:17 AM

May 2014
LoneWolf said:
fancyjasper said:
I've said this a few times haha. But i've never dated anyone before because all throughout my school life, i had a crush on one person. As a result i turned down every single guy who asked me out. I was too shy as well, still am, but not too a debilitating degree. I'd love to have a boyfriend, but i don't have the confidence to take the first step soo #foreveralone.

So you just turned down all your potential partners, because you have oneitis for this one guy who can't catch a clue that you're interested in him... idk maybe you should try harder to let him know you're into him... like trying touching him and having risque conversations... stick around him even when you don't have to, laugh at his jokes... talk to him about how single you are and how in your own words would love to have a boyfriend. Fucking do something. Don't just spend your whole fucking life waiting on this one dude and turning down every other potential partner.

Also plz stop with this #forever alone shit. Try not having anyone even acknowledge you, getting friendzoned, rejected, ghosted, stood up, ignored and even told you're not x, y and z things enough to be with them. You literally have dudes asking you out that you're rejecting...

Anyway I've been dating since middle school and I'm fairly happy in my current relationship.

This was about 3-4 years ago when i was in school. My bad for not making it clearer. I wasn't even on a friend level with the guy, it was just a crush. Haven't spoken to a guy my age irl in years since leaving school and getting a job :^) That's why i said i lack the confidence to take the first step to even find someone. I might be meeting someone i met online which would be a huge step for me, but we'll see. Sometimes i just think it's better to embrace being alone instead of holding out hope in finding someone, that's all. I was being ironic, i never say # anything :> But hey, i'm glad things are going well for you.
FancyjasperOct 23, 2019 1:50 AM
Oct 23, 2019 3:04 AM
Jul 2018
Wow thanks everyone for sharing! Some really good heart felt replies here. Especially posts like the one from @nim0174

It seems alot of us have something in common. I mean I wasn't bullied or anything but we alot of us had some times where there was a fork in the road. We had feelings for someone and there was some confusion or some rejection or some situation that we had to handle. And how we handled that situation determined how we went about things to come. So for me when I had that girl break up with me quite publicly after just one day I could have let it stop me from approaching another girl or turning any other girl who liked me away. But even though at the time she was all that I wanted and dreamed about I found some strength from within and I was determined to find a person who WOULDN'T do what she did to me. In other words I decided to get back on the horse and try again. I learned about rejection at an early age and even though every time I ever approached a girl after that I was scared or nervous I just forced myself to do it. Everything starts with your thoughts. Then your thoughts become words and actions. So if anybody is reading this and is still thinking about giving somebody a try one day then please do try! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. You wil have more missed opportunities in future but you may also grab some opportunities aswell. Similar to applying for a job or a school. They won't all accept you. But that doesn't mean that you don't have a chance in hell. We all have a chance as long as we try. Have you guys not learned anything from all these anime? You need to have the same attitude as Edward Elric sometimes. I know it is easy to lose faith and get stuck in a rut but sometimes if you try something new you might find that you like it. And if you try and you don't like it well now you know. I would have been kicking myself forever if I pussied out of joining the RAF. But I went for it and gave it my all and did better than I even expected. Sometimes you can surprise yourself. So give yourselves a chance sometime. Don't always be too hard on yourselves. Don't let that fear stop you forever. Sometimes is okay. But not forever. You wouldn't want to be on your death bed as an old man or woman and thinking, "What if I did something about my situation back then?"
Oct 23, 2019 3:44 AM

Jul 2019
BallistikJuice said:
Dating is pretty much a babysitting job, walking around together, holding hands - fucking childish crap, waste of time. In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

If your partner don't have any busy hobbies/interests on their own and instead demand you to spend a lot of time with them, then this kind of "relationship" won't last very long (unless of course you are a pussy Beta-wimp and do whatever they ask you to).

I feel sorry for your GF, If I were her I would've dumped you after one night.

Never explain,
Never retract,
Never apologize
Just get the thing done
And let them howl
Oct 23, 2019 5:11 AM

Aug 2009
fancyjasper said:
LoneWolf said:

So you just turned down all your potential partners, because you have oneitis for this one guy who can't catch a clue that you're interested in him... idk maybe you should try harder to let him know you're into him... like trying touching him and having risque conversations... stick around him even when you don't have to, laugh at his jokes... talk to him about how single you are and how in your own words would love to have a boyfriend. Fucking do something. Don't just spend your whole fucking life waiting on this one dude and turning down every other potential partner.

Also plz stop with this #forever alone shit. Try not having anyone even acknowledge you, getting friendzoned, rejected, ghosted, stood up, ignored and even told you're not x, y and z things enough to be with them. You literally have dudes asking you out that you're rejecting...

Anyway I've been dating since middle school and I'm fairly happy in my current relationship.

This was about 3-4 years ago when i was in school. My bad for not making it clearer. I wasn't even on a friend level with the guy, it was just a crush. Haven't spoken to a guy my age irl in years since leaving school and getting a job :^) That's why i said i lack the confidence to take the first step to even find someone. I might be meeting someone i met online which would be a huge step for me, but we'll see. Sometimes i just think it's better to embrace being alone instead of holding out hope in finding someone, that's all. I was being ironic, i never say # anything :> But hey, i'm glad things are going well for you.

I didn't mean to attack you or anything and it wasn't my intention to offend, it just seems like you needed a push and your current situation is of your own making and could be easily remedied if you took some initiative. You don't need to scream at a dude that you like that you're into them, or ask them out (if you have that kind of confidence tho good on you) just drop enough hints that they can put two and two together. Men and women are not that different, but most men are not going to bite if there isn't any bait. GL with your online thing... in my experience long distance relationships don't work... but yeah give it a shot.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 23, 2019 5:34 AM

May 2014
LoneWolf said:
fancyjasper said:

This was about 3-4 years ago when i was in school. My bad for not making it clearer. I wasn't even on a friend level with the guy, it was just a crush. Haven't spoken to a guy my age irl in years since leaving school and getting a job :^) That's why i said i lack the confidence to take the first step to even find someone. I might be meeting someone i met online which would be a huge step for me, but we'll see. Sometimes i just think it's better to embrace being alone instead of holding out hope in finding someone, that's all. I was being ironic, i never say # anything :> But hey, i'm glad things are going well for you.

I didn't mean to attack you or anything and it wasn't my intention to offend, it just seems like you needed a push and your current situation is of your own making and could be easily remedied if you took some initiative. You don't need to scream at a dude that you like that you're into them, or ask them out (if you have that kind of confidence tho good on you) just drop enough hints that they can put two and two together. Men and women are not that different, but most men are not going to bite if there isn't any bait. GL with your online thing... in my experience long distance relationships don't work... but yeah give it a shot.

Don't worry about it, i'm not offended or anything. I'm very self aware and understand that my current situation is entirely my own fault. Of course i can't get a boyfriend when no guys know i exist! I would love to be settled down with someone by now. It's embarrassing, but living together with my boyfriend, just hanging out with each other and making him happy is a big dream of mine. It's the biggest thing i want at this point in my life. I'm not as shy as i used to be at all either, so if there was a guy around i liked now i'm sure i'd be able to tell him how i feel. It's just...there's no guys around and i don't have the confidence to put myself out there on a dating site or something to find them >>

Yeah i already know long distance relationships don't work actually which is why i'm so reluctant to do it and let myself start having feelings for someone so far away again. I had one for a year and it didn't work out. Still pretty traumatised from that. I knew from the start it was a bad idea, but i just wanted to believe in him, you know. Anyway rant over!
FancyjasperOct 23, 2019 5:49 AM
Oct 23, 2019 5:35 AM
Jul 2018
LoneWolf said:

I didn't mean to attack you or anything and it wasn't my intention to offend, it just seems like you needed a push and your current situation is of your own making and could be easily remedied if you took some initiative. You don't need to scream at a dude that you like that you're into them, or ask them out (if you have that kind of confidence tho good on you) just drop enough hints that they can put two and two together. Men and women are not that different, but most men are not going to bite if there isn't any bait. GL with your online thing... in my experience long distance relationships don't work... but yeah give it a shot.

You make a good point. When I got with that Japanese girl it was only because her friend told me that she had feelings for me. Otherwise I would have had no idea that she was into me and I would never have thought to ask her out. Girls always expect guys to make the first move and generally this is what happens. But sometimes things can be awkward for a guy even if he does want to make the first move. Personally I always found it easiest to make a move on a total stranger and it was much harder for me to think about trying to make a move on say a co-worker. Because in the work environment there are more risks. Word gets around. She may take it the wrong way and report you for harassment or something and now you may be out of a job etc. So the guy needs to get a few hints before trying.

AS for the people on this thread who said they are gay - you guys really need not worry at all. If you go to a gay club you will find that they are much more open and friendly than straight clubs. And if you look for online dating for gay people they are much more forward in their affections than with straight online dating. It might be harder for gay people to find committed relationships though. In general they are more inclined towards hooking up.

And for those who were bullied. I know that pain will always stay with you but look on the brighter side. you endured. You survived. You made it through. So you are strong and you can help others who may have also been bullied. You can do some good. Not everyone is a bully. And guess what? Some of those silly things that you were bullied about are very desirable traits to other people! You just need to find them :)
Oct 23, 2019 5:38 AM
May 2016
Flevalt said:
123fendas said:
WHAT THE FUCK. I am 16 years old, and I very much do want to date a girl.

I have been very attracted to people. and besides, I have next to no standards. I will accept nearly anyone.

Yes, I'm shy.

It seems that there is no one around me to date, but maybe that's incorrect.

and I am very frustrated

What I'm about to say is true while seeking a partnership but also true while in a partnership.

Individuality is a thing but...all girls can be compared to nuts.
Most nuts you'll find are closed off, surrounded by a thick shell.
You can try to open them up to you (=run after (a) girl(s) and catering to what they want). This is comparable to the attempt to bite open the nut by force,
which will only harm you and it still won't open the nut.

To a girl, a man is but a prize of an object.
You either give off signals that other girls are running after you,
then you become a desirable object.
Or you give off signals that you're submissive, meaning you're the one running after girls rather than girls running after you. Then you're no longer a glittering, bubbly shiny prize.

Very intriguing

Flevalt said:
123fendas said:
WHAT THE FUCK. I am 16 years old, and I very much do want to date a girl.

I have been very attracted to people. and besides, I have next to no standards. I will accept nearly anyone.

Yes, I'm shy.

It seems that there is no one around me to date, but maybe that's incorrect.

and I am very frustrated

Every once in a while though, you'll find a nut that's cracked open, meaning a girl that's opening up & shows interest in you. Those are the only ones you should go after.

And I find these by becoming desirable?

Flevalt said:
123fendas said:
WHAT THE FUCK. I am 16 years old, and I very much do want to date a girl.

I have been very attracted to people. and besides, I have next to no standards. I will accept nearly anyone.

Yes, I'm shy.

It seems that there is no one around me to date, but maybe that's incorrect.

and I am very frustrated

You still have to search through the nuts in the forest yourself because nuts don't walk to you.

That sounds very difficult to me.
Oct 23, 2019 5:40 AM

Jul 2016
Because since age 12 when I started watching porn (softcore then/only the start with lesbians kissing and stripping), curating it has been my first priority.
Oct 23, 2019 6:15 AM
Jan 2009
well i dated some in the past in high school and a few co-workers back when i was still at the workforce
Oct 23, 2019 7:01 AM

Aug 2009
Have dated, but I'll reply anyway.

Because of slim pickings during my high school/teenage years, which in hindsight was a mix of me having "high standards" in that I was really a shallow as some of the girls I tried to hook up with, and some of the girls just being legit trash where, yeah, I was better off just spending my money on video games instead of obsessing over losing my v-card.

So, after growing, maturing, and actually going on in my younger twenties, now-a-days I'm just too busy to play the dating game at the moment.

Oct 23, 2019 9:10 AM

Jun 2019
this is an anime forum. obviously most people are here incels. you already know the answer op.
Oct 23, 2019 11:26 AM

Aug 2009
fancyjasper said:
LoneWolf said:

I didn't mean to attack you or anything and it wasn't my intention to offend, it just seems like you needed a push and your current situation is of your own making and could be easily remedied if you took some initiative. You don't need to scream at a dude that you like that you're into them, or ask them out (if you have that kind of confidence tho good on you) just drop enough hints that they can put two and two together. Men and women are not that different, but most men are not going to bite if there isn't any bait. GL with your online thing... in my experience long distance relationships don't work... but yeah give it a shot.

Don't worry about it, i'm not offended or anything. I'm very self aware and understand that my current situation is entirely my own fault. Of course i can't get a boyfriend when no guys know i exist! I would love to be settled down with someone by now. It's embarrassing, but living together with my boyfriend, just hanging out with each other and making him happy is a big dream of mine. It's the biggest thing i want at this point in my life. I'm not as shy as i used to be at all either, so if there was a guy around i liked now i'm sure i'd be able to tell him how i feel. It's just...there's no guys around and i don't have the confidence to put myself out there on a dating site or something to find them >>

Yeah i already know long distance relationships don't work actually which is why i'm so reluctant to do it and let myself start having feelings for someone so far away again. I had one for a year and it didn't work out. Still pretty traumatised from that. I knew from the start it was a bad idea, but i just wanted to believe in him, you know. Anyway rant over!

I like that we were able to understand each other. You sound like you really care about people and want something genuine with someone that cares about you in the same way you care about them. Give people a chance, there are a lot of bad guys out there that will take advantage of you, but usually those are the ones that are overly forward and want things to move too fast (usually sexually/physically). Yeah, I can't say for sure that you will "find someone", but I'm seriously wishing the best for you cause you seem like a good person that actually deserves to be in a good relationship and hopefully you don't have to go through the same crap that some of us had to go through to get there. GL

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 23, 2019 12:05 PM
Jul 2018
AnimeFeminist said:
BallistikJuice said:
Dating is pretty much a babysitting job, walking around together, holding hands - fucking childish crap, waste of time. In reality, sex only takes several minutes and once you've done with it, you ready to roll and do your own stuff.

If your partner don't have any busy hobbies/interests on their own and instead demand you to spend a lot of time with them, then this kind of "relationship" won't last very long (unless of course you are a pussy Beta-wimp and do whatever they ask you to).

I feel sorry for your GF, If I were her I would've dumped you after one night.

If you were my GF...I would've to hang myself!
Oct 23, 2019 12:15 PM

Aug 2018
never really happened, did have 3 girls openly flirt w/ me only to reject me afterwards and say they had a boyfriend during secondary school. After that I never really had a sexual attraction to anyone, romantic, maybe, but it's fleeting and thinking about sex, it just boils down to one thought that I don't really want to do it (plus usually I'm out drinking with friends if I feel that way, and I don't think drunk sex is the best idea esp. for a first time :P)
Oct 23, 2019 1:31 PM

May 2014
LoneWolf said:
fancyjasper said:

Don't worry about it, i'm not offended or anything. I'm very self aware and understand that my current situation is entirely my own fault. Of course i can't get a boyfriend when no guys know i exist! I would love to be settled down with someone by now. It's embarrassing, but living together with my boyfriend, just hanging out with each other and making him happy is a big dream of mine. It's the biggest thing i want at this point in my life. I'm not as shy as i used to be at all either, so if there was a guy around i liked now i'm sure i'd be able to tell him how i feel. It's just...there's no guys around and i don't have the confidence to put myself out there on a dating site or something to find them >>

Yeah i already know long distance relationships don't work actually which is why i'm so reluctant to do it and let myself start having feelings for someone so far away again. I had one for a year and it didn't work out. Still pretty traumatised from that. I knew from the start it was a bad idea, but i just wanted to believe in him, you know. Anyway rant over!

I like that we were able to understand each other. You sound like you really care about people and want something genuine with someone that cares about you in the same way you care about them. Give people a chance, there are a lot of bad guys out there that will take advantage of you, but usually those are the ones that are overly forward and want things to move too fast (usually sexually/physically). Yeah, I can't say for sure that you will "find someone", but I'm seriously wishing the best for you cause you seem like a good person that actually deserves to be in a good relationship and hopefully you don't have to go through the same crap that some of us had to go through to get there. GL

Thanks a lot for the kind words. I appreciate it :)
Oct 23, 2019 1:32 PM

Jul 2015
BallistikJuice said:
I would've to hang myself!

I know this is correct usage of 'would've' but it looks weird.
Oct 23, 2019 1:48 PM
Jul 2018
PsychoticDave said:
BallistikJuice said:
I would've to hang myself!

I know this is correct usage of 'would've' but it looks weird.

Good enough for a "short reply" while I was driving.
Oct 23, 2019 1:51 PM

Jul 2015
BallistikJuice said:
PsychoticDave said:

I know this is correct usage of 'would've' but it looks weird.

Good enough for a "short reply" while I was driving.

But I know what you mean about the hobby thing.
Like, what did she do before me? Just T-pose in her room staring a wall? Is she inactive when I'm not in the room? Why is she an extension of myself and not being her own person? Shit will drive you insane.
Oct 23, 2019 2:01 PM

Nov 2016
Dating is not a trend where I live. It's a Muslim country, but a lot of people still manage to date via various channels. I could too, but the hardest part for me is initiation. I just feel awkward to approach a girl just because she looks good. There's always this apprehension she may be extremely dumb and until I've established that, I wouldn't even think about making a move. It usually ends there. But if it doesn't, the next step is finding some pretext; it still feels awkward to approach a girl just because I think she's good looking and smart. It dies out completely at this point.

It's easier for me to approach girls on the internet. You can skip the small talk part entirely online and go straight for the kill. I'm not good looking enough to motivate girls to approach me first so I'm stuck.

I still think I'm hot stuff though. I'm insanely popular with guys. Almost every guy who hasn't known me for at least a year thinks I'm some sort of a lady killer. I've heard rumors about girls thinking the same about me too. If only the rumors were true...
Oct 23, 2019 2:44 PM

Jul 2015
-Kookie- said:
Didn't date anyone in high school because I wasn't even remotely interested in women. I even rejected a couple offers, and all I knew was that I wasn't interested for some reason.
Then, college rolls around and I get asked out by a girl in one of my classes. It lasted for about a month and we went on one date, and I eventually broke it off.
That's one date and I broke up after, so it kinda hardly counts for anything.
Now today, I understand a bit more about myself. I'm gay and nobody around me besides my parents know. That's why I haven't been on any dates (not counting the one I previously mentioned). I'm just between a rock and a hard place at the moment.
why doesn't anyone know? Just curious, I mean NY State colleges can't be that regressive. I don't think that you'd have a lot of trouble finding a date, if you really wanted one
*lampoons inwardly*
Oct 23, 2019 2:54 PM

Sep 2019
Railey2 said:
-Kookie- said:
Didn't date anyone in high school because I wasn't even remotely interested in women. I even rejected a couple offers, and all I knew was that I wasn't interested for some reason.
Then, college rolls around and I get asked out by a girl in one of my classes. It lasted for about a month and we went on one date, and I eventually broke it off.
That's one date and I broke up after, so it kinda hardly counts for anything.
Now today, I understand a bit more about myself. I'm gay and nobody around me besides my parents know. That's why I haven't been on any dates (not counting the one I previously mentioned). I'm just between a rock and a hard place at the moment.
why doesn't anyone know? Just curious, I mean NY State colleges can't be that regressive. I don't think that you'd have a lot of trouble finding a date, if you really wanted one

For one, I haven't found a proper way to express my sexuality in some way. :p
Another reason is I go to a private Christian college, so there's just an extra level of awkward if you come out.
Oct 24, 2019 8:18 AM

Sep 2015
I technically don't fall into this category because I was in a relationship for a while in school, but:

FlowersInTheRain said:
Too busy and focused on your studies or something?

Sorta-kinda this. Right now I am absolutely opposed to even seeking that kind of relationship with somebody because of my job and more or less struggling to adapt to adulthood. I am 22, about to be 23, but I have completed my apprenticeship and right now I'm furthering my education in my field overseas. What's important to note here is that I have a paid job still, though. I am financially independent, and I have been for longer than most people who are my age right now. I am committed to my line of work and I take care of myself and my own responsibilities 100%, like a proper adult. I can say that with pride.

At the same time, I find the responsibilities and demands to be immensely stressful, and that kills off any prospects of even seeking for things that are a grander commitment in that sphere right now. I want feel like I can go through the day to day routine and not feel worried about everything or stressed out at every financial obligation or necessary expense before I even consider seeking out a relationship. I'm not a fun person in real life right now. I am a very stressed out and irritable person. Furthering that, right now I need to complete the courses I'm taking to further my ability and skills in my career and study hard at those, because god knows science and chemistry is involved and I'm historically not very good at that, so that'll be another hurdle for me in the next couple of years.

Basically, I want to focus on me. Entirely on me as much as possible. On my work. On studying. On figuring out how to navigate pretty much everything about being out on my own in the world, because it's been a few years and I still consider it very worrying and stressful. On developing my sustainable, stable, fun and quiet ideal lifestyle. I'm still young and I'm not going to die of old age any time soon, I can put off the added commitments that a relationship entails for a good few years until I'm happy with other aspects of my adult life. And this might be an added bonus more than part of the reason, but if I do that then chances are it'd work out better anyway.

I don't mind helping people out here and there and doing things - I'm the head admin of one of the largest clubs for this site and all - but almost every commitment like that is online and comes second to real life, always.

So, the kind of commitment a relationship entails isn't something I see myself wanting right now or in the near future. I actively avoid seeking one out. I am not going to be an idiot, rush into a relationship when it probably isn't going to be good for me or my partner in my current life state, just because everybody pretty much immediately assumes something's up if you're not in a committed relationship by your early 20s, it seems.
ManabanOct 24, 2019 8:28 AM

Oct 24, 2019 8:29 AM
Jul 2018
-Kookie- said:

For one, I haven't found a proper way to express my sexuality in some way. :p
Another reason is I go to a private Christian college, so there's just an extra level of awkward if you come out.

You don't have to come out irl. Doing it online is enough. I mean we know but nobody here is judging.

Manaban said:
I technically don't fall into this category because I was in a relationship for a while in school, but:

FlowersInTheRain said:
Too busy and focused on your studies or something?

Sorta-kinda this. Right now I am absolutely opposed to even seeking that kind of relationship with somebody because of my job and more or less struggling to adapt to adulthood. I am 22, about to be 23, but I have completed my apprenticeship and right now I'm furthering my education in my field overseas. What's important to note here is that I have a paid job still, though. I am financially independent, and I have been for longer than most people who are my age right now. I am committed to my line of work and I take care of myself and my own responsibilities 100%, like a proper adult. I can say that with pride.

At the same time, I find the responsibilities and demands to be immensely stressful, and that kills off any prospects of even seeking for things that are a grander commitment in that sphere right now. I want feel like I can go through the day to day routine and not feel worried about everything or stressed out at every financial obligation or necessary expense before I even consider seeking out a relationship. I'm not a fun person in real life right now. I am a very stressed out and irritable person. Furthering that, right now I need to complete the courses I'm taking to further my ability and skills in my career and study hard at those, because god knows science and chemistry is involved and I'm historically not very good at that, so that'll be another hurdle for me in the next couple of years.

Basically, I want to focus on me. Entirely on me as much as possible. On my work. On studying. On figuring out how to navigate pretty much everything about being out on my own in the world, because it's been a few years and I still consider it very worrying and stressful. On developing my sustainable, stable, fun and quiet ideal lifestyle. I'm still young and I'm not going to die of old age any time soon, I can put off the added commitments that a relationship entails for a good few years until I'm happy with other aspects of my adult life. And this might be an added bonus more than part of the reason, but if I do that then chances are it'd work out better anyway.

I don't mind helping people out here and there and doing things - I'm the head admin of one of the largest clubs for this site and all - but almost every commitment like that is online and comes second to real life, always.

So, the kind of commitment a relationship entails isn't something I see myself wanting right now or in the near future. I actively avoid seeking one out.

I don't know why but I am picturing you to be a lab rat like Okabe from Steins;Gate. You just need to find your Kurisu. She might already be there working alongside you and you don't even know it.
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