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Chubby Subby Tickled

5/17/21 12:26 AM14 min964 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR


POV: It's a Sunday afternoon, maybe an hour after a BIG lunch. You wander into the bedroom, looking for me. There I am, belly full, blissfully napping off my latest food coma. So fast resting, I don't notice the pink rope slip over my ankles. You wake me softly and I stir.. slowly realizing that I can't get out of the bed. I'm stuck there and I'm all yours to play with.

And you start tickling me- gently and playfully at first. I'm super sensitive to that kind of touching. Even running your fingers over certain parts of my body makes me tingle and twitch. Now I'm too anxious to be tired. And that's when you start tickling me mercilessly. I can't keep my fat body from twisting and wiggling and bouncing all over the place as you explore and all of my most ticklish spots.

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